
I don't know who I am anymore...

I start to wonder if I’ll ever move forward...
My whole world fell to pieces
And they’re too small to fit together
Too many to tell the difference.
Everything I thought to be reality
Has become nothing but false hope
Living a dream that was really a nightmare.
I don’t know what to do anymore
And that’s the honest truth
The only emotions I’m capable of feeling
Are depression anger and sadness.
Little happiness do I recognize
As happy is what I was
What I thought I was
When in all reality I was only hurting myself.
I lost one that I truly did love
Then another within months.
I’m beginning to forget what love is
I no longer feel it, nor do I see it
I look but I am blind, nerves damaged beyond repair.
And this, this is the fault of my own.
I brought this upon myself and now I am lost
Lost in a sea of anger and confusion
Unsure of where I want to be
Who I am.
I do not trust.
I do not love.
I do not hope.
I do not hate.
I do not regret.
I do not fear.
I do not live.
I simply star in a rerun.
Wake up
This is what my life feels like.
A boring rerun.
And on days like these
Days where I’m so upset
So angry and sad over what I do not know
I feel like I might give in.
Let my shadow wrap its darkened arm around me
And I just might stay with it forever....

Other works by Kara Vasquez...
