
You Don't Know

My feelings.

You don’t see the tears I cry, or the fear I hide. You don’t understand what pain runs through my eyes. The fact I have to cry every night. Should show you that there is something wrong with me, and yet your not trying to help me. My moods are very difficult, maybe I’m happy? Maybe I’m sad, but most defiantly I will be depressed. and being depressed scares me, because of what I can do whilst in that mood, its like I have no control over myself, so when I’m in that mood I tend not to go out, I tend to sleep more, so I don’t hurt myself or others. But ofcourse I don’t tell anyone this because they would just think it was a excuse. But it isn’t, it is what I think, I think if I sleep over my mood, then? I won’t beable to do anything, like cut my arms or cry or maybe get rude to ones I love. So sometimes, I cannot find a way to escape these moods, and therefore whatever I must do, I don’t like going to school? Waking up? Stuff like that I fail to do, because of these moods. Writing this brings tears to my eyes, the one thing I don’t like is to cry, but for some reason its all I can do. –Anonymous
