

Food sizzles on the pan
A bead of sweat drips down her face
While you shower, she places it on a plate
While you sit on the couch, she takes the plate and puts it on the dining table
Even though you clearly saw her actions
You don’t react
You don’t move
Until you hear her voice speak to you
“Ya esta servido”
That is when you get up, sit at the table, and eat the food.
It is because you want to be treated like a child
It is because you think that shows your control and authority over her
I hate that you do that
I hate how you treat her
I hate you
Why can’t you be like the others?
I wish you were
It would make my life so peaceful instead of a hidden hell
You claim to care about me, but you don’t
You’re selfish
You’re arrogant
You bring out the worst out of me.
As you finish the food, you point out all of the things that you disliked about it
You leave the crumbs and dirty plate on the table
You go to bed and was able to destroy what could have been a good day with a single plate of food.

Other works by Kaunel...
