

I’m 24, with a hand on my hip
a sideways heart and angel wings
tattered and torn..
Don’t try and domesticate me,
or take me under your plastic wings
to mend me.
For God shines light through my holes.
Every soul is born an angel
slowly learning tricks and easy fixes
and how to walk with no handlebars.
What a gift childhood can be.
But try and give a 4 year old
the weight of the world,
dangling at her fingertips.
Or a 12 year old brat a secret to keep
that will kill her belief in righteousness.
Or a 16 year old drunk a family to repair,
a mother to save, a father to forgive,
siblings, emotions and life in between
all as she’s trying to sprout her own feet.
——I just got exhausted listing off life——
Wings are meant for safety;
but when they’re spread for the sick
The young giver is left empty nested.
Bruised, alone and dark,
I tend not to trust even the brightest of things.
God feels this way, I suppose, about his lost sheep
waiting to be heard, waiting to be seen.
His voice comes through the cracks
hoping to finally make me whole
A bruised and baby angel,
He carries the worlds weight for one soul.
So when you say “I’ll be there”
but I’m left in the crowd—
or promise me honesty....rings
but I’m crying to fill a drought;
Don’t worry–
my wings can fly, my heart can beat
because bruised and beaten angels
are made to rest under Gods’ wings.

