
Misinterpretations of Perception

Exceeding resources to cope with the pain
Not making the contribution to see the gain
Wanting to become better acquainted with our inner beauty
While taking in every poisonous drop society feeds us
We are all hopelessly hoping for a luminous light to carry us away
We all suffer from misinterpretations of perception
Nothing but distorted sensory experiences we create in our mind
Using sharp hallucinations to claim we are one of a kind
But our words are the same, sprinkled with an abundance of profanity
We’re all influenced by the views which argue against our looks on insanity
Beautiful sounds seep out of the creative outlet of your pale lips
The words are wrong yet you touch them with your fingertips
Wishing for more, crying for hope, trying to run
you have yet to realize your hand is on the trigger and you gave them the gun
All we want to believe is that we reside in the midst of a dusky reality
But truly my dear it is just the errors in our mentality.
Other works by Kaylee Leaverton...
