
My child's innocence

I see my child’s innocence and feel I want to cry.
I want to hold them close until my tears are dry.
I never want to see it go that sparkle they possess.
To be adored be kept safe protected and fearless.
I wish for them to bounce whenever they shall fall.
I wish for them to go through life and never meet a wall.
I want to keep them close to me so I can keep an eye.
I want to say I’ll see you later and never say goodbye.
I watch you playing imagining things in your own little mind.
The curiosity questions asked in every thing you find.
And yet I find an answer so as to never let you down.
And always have a way to turn around that frown.
But life is not quite like this youll find the truth and learn.
That if you touch the fire you shall expect to burn.
I cannot protect you from life itself.
I must merely guide and watch from the shelf.
But for now you are mine to be kept right here.
And losing your innocence is a distant fear.


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