

Please read this poem from the bottom up!

Fighting the good fight against this caning.
My poor body I am draining
Stretching my reach, straining my mind
I try, I try—-up—-up—I climb
Seems I am stuck in this black hole
Melting, burning my soul
A reality set in steam
It is a damned reality
No, this is not a dream
Unloved, unseen
Into a dawn of iniquity
I rise very little
Against this vacuum I fight
Looking up for some daylight
Keeping myself from being done
Needing help, getting none
Trying to free myself everyday
It’s a struggle either way
Lost in this indignation
Down here in this chasm
It’s pulled back down
When one reaches the top
Like the tale of the barrel of monkeys
By the ropes of those who’d see me fail
Trying to pull myself up; but being held down
Broken, abused, living on the bottom
© Keely L. Gibson. All rights reserved,


Poem is to be read from bottom-up

Other works by Lynnee Holder...
