
to the broken hearted

Seeking love in all the wrong places

Sometimes in life things don’t go our way ... But through the drama and hard times we still live through out the day.... Its been told to me that joy comes in the morning and goes ... We meet people who brings joy some days and then sadness the next we know that hate is contagious but a kiss and a hug is our all desire! This poem, comes from a broken vessel and my resume for all is to understand that, when she leaves you, and when he don’t come back ; its going to be all right!!! For love can’t be found,, it has to be given, and only our lord, Jesus can give us it, just remember my brothers, and my sister; only God die for you, and no one else!! Don’t look to find love in what you see, but in the ways he or she care about you!! Don’t look for love, it will find you!! Angles and saints or what we all want to be; but forgiveness is what we must do!! So long for love and pray for it, and choose the one that show it! Not U are pretty, and sexxy, but the one who is willing!! STOP LOOKING for LOVE IN ALL the WRONG PLACE!!!! Rev Kenard.

Loving your heart
