
You are my better

You say I can do better.
I don’t want better,
The better I want is you.
Emotions tearing me in two.
Sometimes I think maybe it’s you,
Maybe it’s you tearing me in two.
But maybe it’s me.
It’s those little spaces inside me.
The ones empty filled with loveless energy,
Empty with the need to be whole again.
But how can I be whole,
When the half of me I’m missing is you.
The half of me that’s missing says...
You can do better.
But no not better than him,
Better than another guy that makes me happy.
For a moment I think I’m happy,
Those little loveless spaces filled,
Filled by someone new.
My heart separates from you.
for a moment I feel I have found a new better,
A new better that isn’t you.
Another half to fill those loveless spaces.
But then you say I can do better...
And again my heart pulls back to you .
You are my better...
The better I’ll always want...
The better I’ll never have...

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