


His scent is strong as summer rain
His kisses sweet like fragrant flowers
His voice is smooth to ease away my pain
His arms are strong to catch me as I fall
Little does he know of how far I’ve fallen
He’s all I see, he’s all I hear
With him I have no fear
He is my world, he has my heart
I am his and he is mine
Forever I could stay like this
Fallen for a prince
Letting him steal just one more kiss
He is my everything, my rock, my love, my joy
But am I his?
My heart stops to question all the things that could go wrong
I realize I am afraid to fall
Afraid to give him my all
For if I truly fall what if he doesn’t catch me?
For if I give him all of me and he chooses to leave
What if there’s nothing left of me?
A broken heart, a shattered hull, that is not who I want to be
That is why my heart tries so hard not to fall
But resisting is futile
I cannot win that struggle
So I watch myself fall further and hope it’s not in vain
If he loves me he’ll catch me and I’ll know my heart is safe


I don't know if this poem is any good. I haven't wrote any in a long time. I hope it comes across deep and meaningful. let me know what you think.


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