
Sorrows of Africa

Before they came, them white birds!
Black man’s grass was much greener
The spirit of cooperation and unity reigned among Africans
Then they came, them white birds
with hatred and cruelty on their hearts
They taught us how to hate
they gave us guns to kill our fellow brothers
Them Western boys
They took away our lands, our resources our minerals, they sucked Africa until it was dry
They sold our brothers and sisters into slavery destroying all the ties linking father to son, mother to daughter all in the name of salvation
They came to south africa and slaughtered our innocent children
They took away a young ambitious leader
and chained him in closed walls
Them white birds
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
What a great leader he was, he never stoped fighting for his people
until the battle was won
They fought us with guns but we fought them with words
strong words!
After all they did to innocent Africans
we forgave them because we have no evil hearts
Long live the spirit of Africa
Black is our pride, Africa is our precious land
our motherland, A gift passed to us by our Forefathers,, Viva AFRICA

Long live the spirit of Africa
