
I Need More Time

I needed more time
I needed time to tell you I love you
I needed time to see you one last time
I needed time to hug you one last time
It was the 9th inning and we were down by 2
You decided you were going to take off to miss the traffic
I was in the row behind you and I didn’t come to give you a hug
I waved and said “peace-out Grandpa”
I didn’t know that was going to be the last time I saw you
Why did you take that 40 with you
Why didn’t you call someone
Why didn’t you call anyone
Why did you think that that bullet would fill the hole in your heart
Where’s the smile you always had
Where’s the shit-talking you use to give us
I really miss you Grandpa Larry
I would give anything for just 2 minutes
I need more time with the ones I have left
I need more time to tell them I love them
I need more time to make memories
I need more time to hug them

Other works by Kohl Tobin...
