
polarized sunglasses

In shades of cool, the world transformed,
Through lenses that a secret kept,
Polarized sunglasses, well adorned,
A world of hidden wonders, adept.
They stand as guardians 'gainst the glare,
Deflecting sun’s intense, harsh light,
In this world, they have a care,
To keep our vision clear and bright.
In streets where bustling life collides,
And ocean waves on sunny days,
Polarized sunglasses are our guides,
Revealing beauty in countless ways.
Reflections on the water’s sheen,
Reduced to gentle ripples seen,
A world beneath the shimmering screen,
Polarized sunglasses, like a dream.
They shield our eyes, they guard the soul,
From UV rays and glares that blind,
With style and purpose, they make us whole,
In polarized lenses, a world we find.
So wear them on a summer’s morn,
Or at the beach where seagulls soar,
Polarized sunglasses, ever worn,
Reveal a world unseen, we adore.
Other works by Laura Daugherty...

… Shielding our eyes, no glare to fe… They don’t chase away reflections… Yet offer protection from the sun’… In classic style or modern design,
