
The Things Against Me

Speak your words
but know they won’t reach my  ears.
See me disdainfully
but know that you see nothing of who I truly am.
Feel your victory over me
in your foolish bones
but take heed
for I have already won.
Sniff my plan out but
know it will only turn out more effective.
Hear my screams but know they are
not of defeat but of victory.
Taste my fear upon your tongue
but know it is my fear for you.
Think that you have inflicted pain on me
but know that you will feel this thrice more.
I can see you floundering about
looking for me,
well here I am
standing before you
thinking without thought,
slashing you with your own words,
glaring upon you to see
your hate-filled eyes,
feeling my victory over you,
carrying out my plan,
yelling with all my might,
tasting your fear upon my tongue,
every time I look at you
and making you feel the pain
you gave to me
thrice more, thrice more.
You speak with a mouth
only demons can bare
so for that
you must be banished like one.
You think words will save you
but they will only hurt you more.
You see with fool’s eyes
seeing everything
but only understanding the bad.
You live by expressing your anger
while I live with my quiet rage.
You provoke me mercilessly
while I weep a rushing river
bit I am comforted by my thoughts.
You falsely feel you’ve won
while I laugh at your mistake.
My plan works effectively
while you stand there, motionless.
I yell, yodel, scream,
yet you still don’t hear me.
I scream louder, stamp my feet
but you stand there
not understanding my victory.
My fear grows louder and louder
for your undeserving self.
I fear for you
because I care for you.
But I realize now
you are just stupid, terrible emotions.
I fight you with sadness
yet you just laugh
so I fight you with anger
and you fall, screaming.
So to make my victory greater
I have defeated you with
your own kin,


I wrote this a year ago but I hope you like it.
WANTED: criticism.

Other works by Dark Secret Teller...
