
In The Insanity We Find Ourselves

Too many sleepless nights
Too many pointless fights..
All I want is to know some emptiness,
Since all I feel inside is my hopelessness.
Maybe it’d be better to not feel a thing,
Maybe then i will be able to feel something.
Sitting here all by myself
Staring at this empty house.
It all feels so alive
The walls appear to have eyes.
Staring at me as if they know me,
laughing as if they’ll show me,
Telling me its ok,
That there’ll be another way.
How I wish I could believe them,
For fear they forcibly will condemn.
With my life gripped in their greedy hand
My future slipping through like a grain of sand.
The mistakes I’ve regrettably made
Cast my present in an inevitable shade.
The hollow promises filled with useless hope,
Saying that there are better ways to cope.
I have been consumed by them all,
It seems I never fail to fall.
Though there is comfort in the failure,
All the dreams disappearing like vapor.
Maybe this last time I won’t get up,
after I fill this one last cup.
The view is better from the floor,
It hurts less then from before.
They’re telling me now not to cry,
To come with them and I’ll fly.
How easy it’d be,
To give in and agree.
But I know my own strength
And have been to a far greater length
The effort this takes,
Forcing higher the stakes.
The sharp fractured part
Of my own broken heart
Screams for relief
My head refusing in disbelief
No way to keep going like this,
One final chance I can’t miss.
The cold lifeless hands slowly come reaching,
Only I misunderstood their preaching..
Fear seeps around me,
Realization telling sad tales of what will be.
They aren’t bringing me toward freedom,
This isn’t what I made myself reason.
Another mistake to add to the list,
It’s all falling down soft as a mist.
the walls come back to my vision,
The voices fading in the collision.
I stand quivering at the knee,
Shaking out the confusion so I can clearly see.
The house that loomed empty before,
Now has potential for more.
I turn on the light
As I look out at the night.
Tomorrow is new,
I know my limits are far beyond few.
Dreams begin to take form
Possibilities dying to soar..
I put a brush to the canvas
And eliminate all traces of madness.


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