
Dear clubbing

To the memory of my love

Dear Clubbing,
You have truly changed me.
From the late night we used to enjoy together.
To the blaring music we used to dance to all night long.
The people we have met and the random ones we try to forget.
Everything has changed.
Now my ears cannot stand deafening meaningless music.
My eyes burn watching non capable dancers try to imitate music videos.
Drunk and disorderly patrons pushing, shoving and spilling drinks to where you stand.
To the odour bound individuals trying to grind upon you, whilst you are creating space to breathe.
Everything has chanced.
My body won’t allow me to stand those long agonising hours anymore.
My mind cannot comprehend the logic behind it all any longer.
My soul has lost the urge to motivate my legs to maneuver on alcohol filled dance floors.
It’s time for us to part.
I will not miss you, for my heart have have found another...
Yes it true..
Motorcycle rides in the countryside and early morning coffees.
You will always be in my memories.
Sincerely yours
