
Let Go

Iv’e been afraid of something, that has been haunting me day and night.  Just the thought of it is mortifying, but should it be?  Should it have this much power over me?  It’s grip on me is tighter than a crying infant in a loving mother’s arms.  But at the same point, I feel I should realize, everything will be okay, and there is no need to be afraid anymore.  Im missing out on something that could be perfect, because of a past that wasn’t worth it.  So it is time to forgive myself, and time to let go.  And to look to tomorrow, and live free with new hope.

Just a poem about letting go of a drastic situation in the past that I choose to not let go of. It hindered me from starting something new and at a moment, I realized it was time, time to let go of the past and let this new chapter in life go forth.

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