
"The girl with the scar face"

I hear her crying every night, her painful and sorrow tears and plead for help and mercy!
I feel her pain and anger, because she showed me her scars and cuts that lie upon her arms and wrist.. Cutting was the only relief of her pain.
Her presence was always with me, when Night fall came. She would tell me how her parents never cared about her, and her father would beat her, and disowned her, because of the accident she was in, that left a brutal marking and scar on her face.. And her parents and everyone made fun of her, and even her parents didn’t want her anymore.. So she drowned herself, when she was bathing, and nobody ever mentioned her death or anything about her at all.. They forgot about her.

Her cold heart, her dark and lonely eyes staring me down as I lie in my bed and await for her to reveal herself.. “I’m ugly, I look like a monster!” She yells in pain and rage.. I don’t want you to see me... Then she stopped talking to me..

So one night, I sat up in my bed, and stared out into my window and watched the leafs blow around in the misty empty field. I walked outside in my night gown and somehow, I knew her presence was here..

I call out to her: “Please show yourself, your not ugly, you didn’t deserve to die, or be disowned, your beautiful, please, I want to help. Please.. ”

Leafs rustled and I felt her hand touch me, I turned around.. And she revealed herself.... The girl with the scar face... And she whispered in my ear...
“Do you still think I’m beautiful now?”....

—THE £ND!-
