
What kind of a woman

What kind of a woman?

what kind of a woman leaves?
what kind of a woman stays?
what kind of a woman kills?
what kind of a woman prays?
what kind of a woman sells her
children when she can’t find a way out?
what kind of a woman moves with
a purpose, doing the silent work of change?
what kind of a woman is hungry?
what kind of a woman is dying?
what kind of a woman is drowning?
what kind of a woman is thriving?
who is scared to walk these streets at
scared to sleep with the lights on?
scared that her kindness might try
take away her life?
scared of what’s coming around the corner?
scared to open the door?
scared that the ceiling will cave in?
and that we’ll all fall through the floor?
and maybe then there will bc no hurtkng
and competing?
what kind of a woman asks
for more and believe its her right
to be provided for?
what kind of a woman dreams?
what kind of a woman sleeps?
what kind of a woman protects the
art of living she preaches?
what kind of a woman believe that
her highest desire is within the
scope of her reach?
what kind of a woman looks at the
image in the mirror with compassion for
the image she sees?
what kind of a woman believes she
will be given what she needs the second
she falls on her knees?
what kind of a woman walks through
life with a set of changing eyes to shift
the reality she percieves?
what kind of a woman laughs with eash
looks at the sea and knows that it
lives within her, it flows through her
