
Before a rainbow appears a little rain must fall.

Making the most of life.

Before  a rainbow appears
there must be a little rain
before we find true love
we must feel a little pain
you may run away from your problems
but your problems still remain
you have to leave the past behind
before you can make a change.
To travel through life successfully
you have to accept
life is not a bed of roses
and you have to ride the storms
see problems as a challenge
you can learn from
take the bull by the horns.
You can’t relay on others
to give you a helping hand
and get on
you may have won a battle
but there maybe a war yet to overcome.
Life is for living
and serving God up above
and thanking him for all
he has done
and all his love.
Don’t put off until tomorrow
what you can do today
or one morning
you may wake up
to find it’s too late
your old and grey.
Peter Dome. copyright.2012.


Prayer's can work miracles.

#God #Knowledge #Life #PrayersWisdom

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