
Never Again

This is how I was going thou something in my life and I'm still unsure about it.

The only thing I’ve ever known was to run,
And to hide everything I’ve felt inside.
For so many years, I’ve thought I had love.
But it was never true. It was all lies.
That is why I keep everything inside,
Never let you in.
They have all torn my heart out and stepped on it,
Or once they got there wild time with me.
They left me their in the dust.
What I thought was a happy ending.
Was really a night for them to break my heart all over again.
Like it had been so many times before.
But then you walked into my life.
You had my eye the first time I ever saw you.
When I felt your arms around me for the very first time.
It was as if everything was right.
That this was where I belong darling.
My heart did a little dance,
felt as if it might have jumped from my chest
the first time I truly kissed you.
I use to run from poeple who tried to help,
Or tried to make it easy for me.
I’ve ran all my life from being happy.
Now that I have it.
I’m scared to death.
Truely never thought i would ever be this happy.
And now that I am.
I’m so scared to lose it.
That is the feeling I’ve ran from for so long.
The feeling like if you mess up just one time you will lose everything good
or dear to you.
Or you will end up hurt again if you get to deep.
So each of everytime that did happen in my past.
I ran.
But now I know not to do that.
I’ll stand and fight for what for once in my life feels right.


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