
my beaitiful mom

My mom is an amazing woman a say is though she is gone. My mom never gave up never knew what tough was. My mom never met a stranger and my mom never loved half way my mom never hung on anyword and my mom loved with all she had. My mom you see was my mom. And as a mom now I see what my mom went thru. My mom loved her kids thru it all. And sometimes it was hard my mom loved her husband that was the easy of my moms life. My mom loved the grandkids my mom hung the moon and was even the man in the moon.  See if you had ever crossed paths with Sandra Phelps then you was blessed by god to cross the path of my mom. My mom was one to remember and sometimes my mom was one that many wanted to forget because they had messed with her family. My mom was tough az nails, soft as cotton, rugged as any man could ever be as a female. And my mom was just that you see she is my mom. So read this and remember Sandra Phelps is my mom....

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