
As we walk

We walk we talk
We never stop
It all happened
Long ago
Upon the top
Top of the bridge we walk
We walk and talk
Alongside the street we walk
The sidewalk
Its hard surface
Under our feet
You and me
One tree, one messed up “we”
But never together, never fully, never that happy family
I walk
The bridge I see
The bridge I sit
The bridge I cry
I cry, you know why
That bridge you jumped
Jumped over that fence
Jumped into the river
The cold dark suspense
I now walk alone
Desperate for your return
I want you here….
Atop that bridge I wait for you to come back
Please come back
I want to walk….across that street
Across that street, just you and me
We walk, we talk, these cold thoughts
Not across that bridge, not atop the wall
Just you and me,  one cold drop.


Other works by Nicole Perkins...
