
The paramour

I hold you tightly in my arms darling.
With every thought in his head snarling.
I didn’t want this but I did.
I’ve been dealing with oxymorons since I was a kid.
You could of used brute force and explosions to tear down the wall.
But instead you came knocking on the front door.
And he let you in.
Oh he let you in.
Your poison infected me from the inside out.
I didn’t even notice.
I didn’t even notice.
Like an opium addiction the more enthralled with you he gets...
The sicker he becomes.
Could it be?
The only thing holding me up right now is killing me?
Maybe I am the one that is wrong?
Maybe it’s me.
This is impossible.
It couldn’t possibly be.
Her grace so beautiful so elegant.
She could have you with the sound of her softly spoken voice.
Her intentions most foul.
She could cut you down like razor sharp swords in a word.
Her intentions were not always bad.
But this time she knew what she was doing.
It may not of been her plan from the start.
But it was made clear it was in the end.
He knew he was possessed.
It was too late now.
There minds were intertwined like the roots of a tree.
They were one.
The poison had taken its full effect.
Her being of a mall-nutritioned heart.
And now fearful from the neutering it so long desired.
Was no difficult task for her.
See her heart survived.
The boy being in his final stages of the toxin was not so lucky.
His heart was severed in half.
He died that day.
He was poisoned by love.
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