

You better send help fast!
Times ticking and my life’s running out faster then we think,
goodbye too beliefs because the things I believed in couldn’t come true in my crisis minutes.
Goodbye to religion because you never sent help fast, you sent hell to come and destroy me in more ways then I ever knew.
I’ve gotten used to having a cold hand because you turned my hand cold when you left this world and its never been able to heat up once again, debating whether ditching this world for a pill is below me?
You have my file and my sins but you couldn’t help me you sat front row and watched me slowly die inside until there was nothing left but pain and regret!
You ask me to help you but I cant!
Where are your pastors at? there too busy segregating in church between the whites and the blacks, when they realise its not 1890 maybe then i should try church,
but for now its whites in the front and blacks in the back! this isn’t far man, people want me to live in a world but I don’t feel invited...
We could have the same address and you still wouldn’t know the true me.
Don’t sit and read my file because it will take too long, you will end up reading the bold letters on my headstone where I lay there to rest above the concept of suicidal thoughts and the self harm urges, but I’m not joking, you better send help fast before my life runs out before we all know it!
I get my actions don’t lead a good example for the younger generations who rely on the brave but for now you better send help fast but don’t come back to me when I’m doing better because you chose to leave in my crisis minutes!
