
my hair

As the wind crawls near by
I feel the soft breeze circulating my body, While I pose with my natural hair.
Everyday as I rise
I can’t help but admire the beauty that stands before me
With downy hair that leaps up like a mane,
And drowning dimples that’s me, my reflection.
My hair is not the longest,
Nor the silkiest,
But its different
It differs from hers and yours
Its not the best quality
That’s the beauty of it
Having people admire you, the bold person
The bold me that awakens to model down the South African streets with my downy mane.
Its dark color enhances my face
And yes you can try run your fingers through it
But you can rest on my downy hair because you won’t sink to my scalp,
For its quantity is of value
Smell it,
It differs from hers and yours .
Its not the best quality,
But its of rare quality and that to me is natural beauty
Because I am proudly South African.
Media has failed to rule me
I’ve conquered its propagandas,
Defeated indoctrination
And now,
I’m proud to wear my hair.
I refuse to imprison my fluffy strands with weaves n fakes
As I believe in natural growth
I do not stutter at the salon,
A purpose engraved in my heart of natural beauty
I shall apply.


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