

I’ve never really been able to open up,
emotions keep me locked away from the world
in a medium between two worlds it would seem
for what is truly in an action,
without real feeling, there is an abyss.
I suppose distance has its benefits,
being away from the ones I love.
using this space as a cover for raw emotion
thinking to myself maybe someday
I shall find my way home.
This feeling of longing... something is missing,
but what? What do I need for real fulfillment?
I have felt love, hate, sorrow, sadness.
The spectrum has been traveled full.
What is it that I do not see?
Perhaps, something is out of tune.
I have a void in my soul it would seem
stitching would need to be done.
A rightful place could be the cure
Maybe, I do belong after all.


Other works by Paul...
