A crust of bread and a corner to s… A minute to smile and an hour to w… A pint of joy to a peck of trouble… And never a laugh but the moans co… And that is life!
Our good knight, Ted, girds his b… (And he wields it well, I ween); He 's on his steed, and away has g… To the fight for king and queen. What tho’ no edge the broadsword h…
The mist has left the greening pla… The dew—drops shine like fairy rai… The coquette rose awakes again Her lovely self adorning. The Wind is hiding in the trees,
With sombre mien, the Evening gra… Comes nagging at the heels of Day… And driven faster and still faster Before the dusky—mantled Master, The light fades from her fearful e…
BEYOND the years the answer lie… Beyond where brood the grieving sk… And Night drops tears. Where Faith rod—chastened smiles… And doff its fears,
THEN He loved her, and through many yea… Had paid his fair devoted court, Until she wearied, and with sneers Turned all his ardent love to spor…
Want to trade me, do you, mistah?… W’y you could n’t buy my Sukey fu… Dat ol’ mare o’ mine? Yes, huh coat ah long an’ shaggy,… Dat’s a ring—bone, yes, you right,…
EF you’s only got de powah fe’ to… Keep ermong de people wid de whist… Ef you don’t, you’ll fin’ out sho’… In a place dat’s all a bed o’ this… 'Tain’t no use a—goin’ now, ez sho…
Love hath the wings of the butterf… Oh, clasp him but gently, Pausing and dipping and fluttering… Inconsequently. Stir not his poise with the breath…
A BLUE—BELL springs upon the l… A lark sits singing in the hedge; Sweet perfumes scent the balmy air… And life is brimming everywhere. What lark and breeze and bluebird…
The sun hath shed its kindly light… Our harvesting is gladly o’er Our fields have felt no killing bl… Our bins are filled with goodly st… From pestilence, fire, flood, and…
DE dog go howlin’ 'long de road, De night come shiverin’ down; My back is tiahed of its load, I cain’t be fu’ f’om town. No mattah ef de way is long,
De win’ is hollahin’ 'Daih you’ t… De snow’s a—sayin’ 'Got you’ to d… Fu’ de wintah weathah 's come wido… An’ he 's laughin’ in his sleeve a… Fu’ dey ain’t nobody ready wid dey…
Caught Susanner whistlin’; well, It’s most nigh too good to tell. ‘Twould ’a’ b’en too good to see Ef it had n’t b’en fur me, Comin’ up so soft an’ sly
Come, drink a stirrup cup with me, Before we close our rouse. You ‘re all aglow with wine, I kn… The master of the house, Unmindful of our revelry,