
My Body: An Opinion

People love mountains
They explore them
Praise Them
Paint them
They know that behind all that rock lies value
People love rivers and oceans
They visit them
Swim in them
Paint them
They know that inside all that water lies value
People love colors
They see them
Use them
Paint them
They know that behind all those colors lies value
People hate curves
They cover them
Shame them
Edit them
They see no value in them
People hate curls and waves
They hide them
Change them
Damage them
They see no value in them
People hate colors
They cover them
They hide them
They shame them
They see no value in them
Why do you love nature so much but you don’t love my body
Am I not a creation of nature?
Is my body not natural
My body is as much as a monument as a mountain
As much as a necessity as water
And as much as a pleasure to see as colors.
Other works by Paulina...
