
That used to be me

To Bri

She used to come here now she goes there
That used to be me
It’s not me happy it’s him
He’s the one filled with glee
He smiles with her, fucks with her, comes with her
That used to be me
Chain smoking to stop me choking
Flat so empty
Lying staring at the ceiling
He’s the one that she’s feeling
That used to be me
Rejected dejected neglected affected
One day I’m gonna be resurrected
But not today and not tomorrow
Can’t move, can’t cry, can’t sleep
Going under unless I get back on my feet
Bed so empty
Wish I had a tomahawk drone
I’d take out this motherfuckers home
Enough hurt to fill the world’s biggest tome
But what use is revenge and spite
It won’t stop the pain, stem the pain, cauterise the pain
I aint gonna wallow in self pity
Not this time
Got to save my dignity
That’s easier said than done
Head so empty
I gave her everything I had to make her happy
It wasn’t enough I wish I knew why
Makes me feel like small fry
But I’d take her back at the drop of a hat
I know what you’re saying, don’t be a doormat!
You’d do the same if you was me
Anything to stop this misery
Body so empty
Want to quantum leap to a parallel universe
Leave behind this earth and my soul on a hearse
There’s nothing here for me just memories
But what use is a memory
You can’t smell it, can’t hold it, can’t fuck it
Or go back in time through a wormhole
And claw back the heart that she stole
But you can’t steal time I’m in a delusion
Clutching at straws was it all an illusion?
Soul so empty
Relegated from text to whatsapp
Makes me feel like crap
Then from email to no trail
From the star of the show
To the lowest of low
She said she wanted to strip
I said no I wish I’d said yes
I was being selfish trying to kill off her wish
She takes her token my heart is broken
I’ll never hate you
Heart so empty
