
Am I dreaming?

With time i write, with space I think and with dreams I do it all.

AM I Dreaming?

Close my eyes wishing to dream but only to find myself sitting up wishing to sleep.
Don’t know if I’m up or awake or In a dream thinking I’m up,

Wasting my days daydreaming and wasting my nights wishing upon stars wishing my dreams were real.

life am I living a lie? or stuck in my dream that feels like a nightmare,
Nightmares I can’t escape from clutching my pillow holding my sheets felling like its nothing I can do this dream is this real or is it just a part of me hoping for a better night or day.

Nights and days as dark as the person who can no longer dream they stand in a room padded with black cloth thinking this can’t be real but then again it might. Where do non dreamers go if they don’t believe?

Not believing if you are sleep, could you be crazy by thinking you are awake? how could u wake up from this horrible nightmare? or could this be a beautiful dream?

Beautiful dreams for the beautiful soul and ugly dreams for an ugly truth telling subconscious of what you’ve been thinking of and comes alive when you close your eyes for a peaceful night
Night you thought all was well then you realize your dream wasn’t your dream u open ur eyes to see yourself in someone else dream is that ur nightmare.


By myself ju-dy freeman

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