
Another Day

Today just was another day
Another day of hurt and pain
I’ve waited so long to smile
But everything remains the same
The tears came as he left
Just like I knew they would
‘I’ll text you’ were the parting words
Just because he felt he should
I know it’s over, I sense it strong
No matter how much I care
Always me to be rejected
Never anybody there
It’s been so long since I was happy
Sometimes I’m up, then down
I always know the outcome
My smile turns upside down
I don’t want much, I don’t ask for miracles
Just someone to love me
To be by my side through thick and thin
Treat me as I wish to be
Will this pain ever end?
Might one day I be fine?
The knot in my stomach to be gone for good
And have someone to call mine?
Deluded thoughts fill my head
Of how things I wish to be
Don’t let yourself get carried along
It will never happen you see
Knowing its coming doesn’t make it easier
It’s going to hurt, my heart will be sore
Just like before and prior to that
All alone, rejected once more

Other works by R Gardner...
