

My first attempt at a new style

Tick tock goes the clock
On my wall it’s mocking
Time passes indifferently
Days go by with no regard
Years and years and years
She hated the clock
The incessant tick tock
But like time she passed
Out of my life forever
Was she ever really there?
Sometimes I wonder
She said she had to go
And back to hell she went
Not to an afterlife
But to a man that beat his wife
I begged her not to go
She said I wasn’t enough
Back to the big strong man
That ended her life
I don’t know what to say or do
It’s too late for that now
I feel so used
She feels nothing
Was I just a distraction?
I already know I was
The woman I loved
Gone forever just like that
Should I follow her?
Into the void I go
But what would that solve?
Short and long answer

Other works by Raven Pallidamors ...
