
the game piece

They want us to be there pawns

We are their meal ticket their sport car their house
Were taxed for our hard work a hunted down if we
Owe. Do they come calling if it is them who must pay ha that will be the day. There sneaky and sly a real corrupt kind of guy, The kind that will cheat yuo if you don’t keep a close eye, to trust in the man is the trust of a fool, for we are modern day slaves under perfect cover, the man in office said I’ll do this I’ll do that, well This was a joke, and That is a fact, the man is always the same, wheather white or black, a puppet on strings and this puppet show is wack, what this country was to be is no more, for the people are blind they are zombies my Lord,
Our numbers as citizens we out number them by far so step up to these monster, show em who we are, a chess piece in their game of life no longer shall we be, instead a truly united states country 2014 the time to stand join me America and give them our demands


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