
A Hammer Seeking a Nail

Well, he was a hammer, seeking a nail;
She was a sweet girl, so precious and frail.
It seemed like a mismatch; one forged in hell.
But strange things occur when love casts its spell.
He was hot-tempered, but she soothed his soul.
Soon they were working toward the same goal.
He would protect her from all of life’s ills—
She knew there’d be thrills, and maybe some spills.
He could be violent, but never with her.
Locked safe in his arms, love’s passions did stir.
He, a rough diamond, and she, a smooth pearl;
Attraction was strong for this boy and girl.
We all know that love can often be blind;
A curious occurrence, blighting mankind.
But sometimes these things are just meant to be;
We may call it fate, or true destiny.
No longer a hammer, seeking a nail,
The boy wed the girl, and here ends my tale!

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