
No longer Published

~ No longer Published ~
You are like a book
I never bothered to understand.
I was smitten by your pretty cover.
Oblivious to what you were about,
I flipped through your pages,
lusting only for the center fold.
I paid no attention to your poetry.
I failed to read between your lines,
never finding the luminous particular.
Cheating myself out of what you had to tell,
I put you back on the shelf and let you go to another.
I have read other books.
They could not capture my heart as you have.
You are the novel I should have cherished.
Every chapter, I could have shared with you.
A best seller that I could have had for my own,
autographed by your loving hand.
Only one copy of you published.
Now, you are off the shelf
and out of print.


Other works by R.Meuser...
