

Bullets keep flying in the streets of Iraq.
People keep screaming bring the troops back.
The world with its media witness the brutalities of war.
If we are winning or losing it can’t be tallied by score.
The bloodshed of people is the color of red.
It matters not what religion they practice or dread.
Too often we hope or pray for things, which can’t be
But our actions and consequences are things we can see.
To a mother or father a son is a son.
To the enemy he’s a soldier that carries a gun.
To those in the world that tread daily in fear
A comfort is felt when the end becomes near
To all of the soldiers caught in this plot
Your bravery and valour wil not be forgot.
The honor of bravery is not having troops in Iraq
The bravery of honor is bringing the troops back.


A short poem I wrote when a very dear friend of mine was first sent to battle.

Other works by Rolf Gaidies...
