
I had a dream

i had a dream... it starts with me with the same on theme... the same old shit that is passing me over, at least for a moment i would like to not be sober... cause the truth is i like to be wrong and in this case i will do it all long... the fact i’m just a flirting fella, but i really feel that i want everything with ella... and i finished count my kisses list, cause you were the only one who makes me twist... To look behind in past, and know that i will never need to do more cast

Shit alway came... but i cant hold it again...

I love the way that you hair smooth... and your eyes effects me to kiss you tooth... my head in your chest, listen your heart... i’m love with you on every part... your smile is art... and like it says the song... you are the best part... coffe in our hand in the porch of our house... my love for you will never douse... all my life standing at your side... until we grown up... and both we die... at the same place... where we see to our children rice

(Al volver a mi realidad, tan apartado de ti... arribo a mi un sueño, un ideal, una fantasía, que en mi contexto, suponía un cambio muy extraño y muy raro... pero que solo se hará realidad con la constancia y la perseverancia, pues el soñar nunca es suficiente)

#amor #inocencia #letra #letra #lindo #love #música #músico #niño #poema #rosa #ternura

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