
The Core

(Shannon's True Gift)

We speak of journeys and we speak of meandering through a life in a quest to find meaning in BEING.
At its core is a mysterious, elusive itch.
An oftentimes itch that grows into discontent and disillusionment.  An itch to feel as though your Being has been validated, worthwhile, valuable, and exalted.
At its core, BEING is frought with fear, lonliness, frustration, and longing.
It is engorged with a dark and haunting pervasive and intrusive dread.
A dread adept as an assassin with the ability to render us spiritually immobile.
In response we seek.
We thirst.
We grasp, scratch, dig, and search with desperation to return to the bowels of our core.
Our core that holds the solution to scratching the horrifying itch of solitude.
Our core composed of the need to BE.
The need to share the terrifying wanderings of birth.
The need to hold the soft hand of a partner as we walk exhausted and withering through the treacherous mystery that is our life.
At the core of all us is the damned necessity to experience love.
When love drenches us with a platinum sheen, our feet blistered and calloused and covered in scars, again become verile and swift.
We can, for the first time, walk the mortal journey of existence, rejuvenated by poets’ words that speak of an end to our BEING that is joyous and packed with restored faith and contentment.
With a belief in the true restorative power of a soul mate whose smile scratches the itch contained within our core.
The path to pre-birth is no longer hollow and shady and solitary.
Its now womblike and giddy and euphoric.
At her core lie the ultimate gifts of passion and compassion and empathy and heavenly protection.
At her core is the angelic, unintended yet palpable ability to give you peace as you move with light speed toward your eternal resting place deep within the core of what we all share.
In her heart lies the the antidote to death.
In her core lies the motivation to leave BEING in peace and dignity.
The desire to leave her BEING a fraction better than you found it.
Give her the love in your core.
She more than deserves it.

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