
Until mornings light

Look at you....
I watch you quietly 
As you’re playing there....
But you too consumed in wonder,
Would never know the depth of my stare..
If I tried to tell you you’d never understand...
But every time you touch my hand.
every kiss I get good night ....
the very first time you rode your bike.
Every morning that you call my name....
And every time you fall in pain..
It’s every time I see your face
Every time I hear your voice 
Every thought that comes to mind 
I have your heart clung close to mine
As I look at you, you could never know ..
Just how deep those feelings go
With every broken, peed on, drawn on thing I own. 
I promise you love, and a forever home.
At the end of the day..
As I watch you sleep 
Too consumed in dreams, to be bothered by me .
I thank God for every moment in the day, every one before, and the angel he’s made .
A blessing I’ll cherish for the rest of my life.
Goodnight my sweet babies.. until mornings light..

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