
Time for a Little Truth

When are we going to get it right?  We can’t live our life out of spite.
Family falling by the way side.. coming in and out of your life just like a tide.
Friends you use to think were true, now they don’t even speak to you.
I know some of these words may offend you, but I’m here to tell the truth.
Jesus died so that we may have life, but now just to speak about him you can cut the tension with a knife.
Whose side are you on? You see  for me... I’m pulling for the one that is sitting on the throne.
Keep throwing your rocks and hiding your face, but when the Rapture comes... You will still be in this place.
Naah,  I’m not hating on you. I have much love for you and I’m praying for both mercy and grace.
Because you see one day I want  you and I to see him face to face.


Other works by Sheila Moore Bealing...
