
The Clown....

The lights go on,
And he comes out.
Flashy, large clothes,
Widely stretched mouth.
He jumps,
And he sings.
He makes you laugh,
From nonsensical things.
I knew one,
An everyday clown.
Never once was he
Caught with a frown.
Everyone loved him,
Craved his company.
Each circus performance,
Was like a symphony.
But it happened once,
That I saw him falter.
During his performance,
I saw him wander.
His eyes were fixed,
Into the crowd.
There stood a girl,
Cheering very loud.
With black hair,
Long and flailing,
The clown felt his
Very heart failing.
Then he shook himself,
Returned to his best.
But his act was funnier,
Now with greater zest!
Every evening,
She would come.
Cheer, like she was
The only one having fun.
She laughed when
He fell from chairs.
Screamed with glee,
When he danced.
It was no secret,
That of his success.
It was her smile
And nothing less.
And then one day,
It so happened.
The circus was empty,
Almost barren.
It was late night,
They were closing.
Then the clown stopped,
 Is that someone sobbing?”
He ran upstairs,
Looked hither and thither.
But could not find,
The mysterious weeper.
Then he saw her,
And his heart sank.
There she was, crying
Like a leaking water tank.
It was the one,
The woman he craved.
In front of whom,
His very will caved.
“What is it, dear?”
He asked, concerned,
“Something I can do?”
“The man I loved,
Has left me scorned,
What can I do?”
Hearing this,
The clown gasped.
And then, a full
Minute of silence passed.
Then he stood,
And clapped hands.
The lights came on,
All over the stands.
And then he danced,
Like never before.
And he sang and pranced,
Like never before.
The girl looked,
Surprised at first.
Then the bubble
Of sadness burst.
It started with a smile,
A tiny one although.
And then laughter,
Began to flow.
It was like magic,
Music to his ears.
As she enjoyed and
Forgot her tears.
Then he went to her,
And held her hand.
“I love you, like no
Man in this land.
I always have,
And always will.
Come with me, away,
From the daily drill.”
For a moment,
She just stared.
The clown wondered,
How he had fared.
And out of nowhere,
She laughed loudly.
“Oh my, my!
Oh dear Golly!”
The clown was aghast,
Completely broke.
His confession of love,
Mistaken for a joke.
He hesitated,
Beginning to correct.
But something,
Had him at rest.
His smile remained,
As he cried.
“She laughs,
After all I tried!”
But his tears vanished,
As she held his hand.
“Thank you, I
Really felt grand.”
And she left,
Leaving him there.
While at where she sat,
He simply stared.
The clown still performs,
With greater zest.
For she comes everyday,
Expecting his best.
He sees her smile,
And he waves.
‘Tis the one woman,
That he craves.
For all his jokes,
The biggest one here.
His love’s smile comes,
From the clown’s tears.

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