
Deaths Dance

By: Sofia Feigelstock

she waves hello to the one’s of her heart
Through smiles and tears, worthy of art
The Tall and honest one who with her youth delights
The one who held her through her darkest nights
The one who raised her to be kind and strong
The one who was there, throughout rights and wrongs
As she blinks away the traitorous pain
The agony fights for everlasting reign
she knows now her seconds are portioned
her blood fueled with pernicious poisons
As heavy hands grip her failing lungs
Whispers of pity for the sick and the young
Crawling through her last minutes of burn
Heart dancing with death, willing her to take turn
Her eyes grow foggy, a mist of despair
Her breathes become glassy, repelling her air
The tortured screams of the ones who don’t know
To be embraced by death, cold and slow
They surround her all in tears, sympathy and grievance
She feels nothing but remorse and pain from hell’s heathens
Soon she will meet the angles themselves,
To be set deep in the ground, or left on the shelves
Tragic to go, when so young and so bold
Though she has made peace with the things she’s been told
Her fate is one of unbreakable stone
A depressingly somber, unescapable tone
She is no longer needed with the ones bellow
To the clouds she is called, so there she will go
waving goodbye to the ones behind her closed eyes
So, she can wave hello to the man in the sky

A young girl's last minutes on paper. Inspired by a young girl who died of cancer who I was close with.

Other works by Sofia Ana <3...
