
Dear Unborn

Dear unborn that never got a chance in this world I’m sorry for killing yu I’m sorry for not being yur mother I feel so selfish its hard to keep my head up since the shit happened I hope yu can understand the choice I  made was the best for me n yu I swear I’ll never forget about yu I swear you’ll always be in my heart for as long as I live as yur up in heaven I pray yu don’t hate me like mommy hate her self  unborn I promise no one can ever take yo place n that’s my word I got pictures of yu so ill always remember yu  ill never forget hearing yur heartbeat on June 16th all the movement yu had inside me yur still apart of me I’m so sorry baby please learn to forgive for I can’t forgive myself if mommy really had the option between me n yu ill choose for yu to live n not me period I wish things was different Its fucked up but now I gotta live with that nobody will ever understand what yu meant to me Idgaf what ppl think I was gone be the best mommy I coulda been I was gone give yu the world even if that meant giving up everything just for yu damn I regret that shit like fuck I did it for yu Nate so I hope yu happy I just wish yu woulda looked at things more differently tho


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