

The Pedestal you put your self on, was it worth trying to put my shoes on? Now I can relax because you are gone! Who are you? Do you think you’re above me? It is really that bad to be me? Tell me, who you think you are to be so mean? Your insecurities wore me down, mine were almost gone.

If I didn’t wear what you liked then it started a fight! Your emotional roller coaster is now gone to your son, all your past relationships end up done. Living in a small house with high taxes, name brand clothes, at discount price, man you really need to get a life! All these things you own to make yourself seem better, then why are you alone?

You criticized  but you didn’t realize, you are the one to blame, so be critical on yourself!
Knock yourself off that pedestal and drink your pain away, I won’t be around to hear you complain.


Wrote a about an ex boyfriend who was emotionally abusive

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