
The Fast and The Feast

She walks my way, lonely I think.
My thirsty eyes long to drink.
My angel lifts his quill and dips it in the ink.
Overcome! I feel weak!
Is it so wrong to sneak a peek?
Giving in to my desire, I take a look.
My eyes get drunk at Beauty’s brook.
Un-regretted deeds are recorded in a book.
Eat too much, hunger comes back worse.
Food eats us.  Appetite can be a curse!
The more I look, the more my eyes thirst.
It grows to the point that it cannot be slaked,
Even if my eyes drink up the whole lake!
Tears rise in my eyes. I strain at the task.
I look away and finally we pass.
Al humdulilla! I continue my fast!
I seek to behold the face of the One
Who makes all things under the sun!
Creation’s perfection! Beautiful!
Desire on the heart has a strong pull.
At times my gut’s empty. Other times full.
I gotta persevere through feast and famine.
This is a sign I know I should examine.
