
Hide from your kiss

As the sunset began to rise,
Tears filled within my eyes,
Sat alone with you, in your car,
Wanting to run away, so far,
Hide from all this,
Hide from your kiss,
Get away from this mess,
Get away from this stress.
These obstacles are built because of me,
This mess is all made, around me,
Yet this life is empty without you.
I feel so petrified,
I feel this deep inside,
I wanna close my eyes,
Roll up and hide.
I wanted to run away,
So many things I wanted to say,
My head was full of so much,
I wanted to kiss, I wanted to touch,
I stayed strong and held up my head,
“I love you”, the last words he said.
These obstacles are built because of me,
This mess is all made, around me,
Yet this life is empty without you.
I feel so petrified,
I feel this deep inside,
I wanna close my eyes,
Roll up and hide.


Pretty self -explanatory, again based upon a life experience not too long ago.


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