
your not alone we all are

I know you’re not alone cause guess what
I felt alone, scared and angry
Cause no one cared
But if you talk to the right person they will help you with your problems
I figured that out the hard way
Because of me, my abuse
Went on for 8 years
After 8 years, when I was 15 years old, I found out my grandma died of cancer
That was really hard on me
So I stopped caring about everything
I tried to kill myself
I was cutting for a while
But if you meet me today
I’m a whole new 16 year old girl
Who loves to do her own things
And I’m not very much of a people person
But I love to talk about anything
I like to do a lot of things
Cause I reach outside my comfort zone
To make friends
And there were two special people that helped me
Which are Tyrone Anderson and Courtney Walden
Your not alone, trust me, just reach outside your comfort zone.


Other works by susan...
