
I'm Sorry

To my past love

I’m sorry for what I did
And I know I can’t take it back
But I can prove to you how I feel
Despite of my selfish acts
I never meant to hurt you
My intentions weren’t to lie
My heart’s always been in the right place
Just skeptical of letting you inside
I know it’s hard to believe
That I would disappoint you like this
But look at things from my perspective
Things I know i wanted
I thought you weren’t willing to give
I shouldn’t make excuses
Because it gets me absolutely nowhere
Even though there weren’t always times you said you love me
I should still have known it was still there
Although I did the stupid things I know I did
You of all people should know that I care
Because I don’t want to waste your time
I don’t want to waste my time
Please hear me!!!! I actually want to be here
I can’t make you forgive me
or trust me
or love me
or even care
Because all I can do from this point on is show you there’s no fear
My love for you is deep
And roots down to my soul
But I don’t know how you feel about that
After the lie I told
I wish I never lied to you
It’s not what you deserve
I want to be your only one
I want us to make this work
I’m sorry for everything I’ve done
I’m sorry for being untrue
I’m sorry for jeopardizing our future
I’m so sorry for lying to you
I’m sorry


This poem was written around the time that I lost someone special. I never claimed to perfect but I'm sorry for the mistakes I made which ended us.

