

It was never huge nor was it small it was somewhere
In between it was kind of narrow plus it didn’t have
Much weight if my ego were a ship it would surly sink.
It wasn’t a true reflection of what a noble king should be
It could have easily been stuffed into the smallest box
Then you came along and started building up the parts
That were weak.
It slowly became strong enough this I now see
I am too much for anyone to handle or to touch
I use to be humble never saying much all because
I was concerned for what others would think.
If I were to step out of place, but when you stroked
My ego you forever changed me now there is nothing
I won’t try yes even walking away from the dark lies
Just to live in the truthful light and to think
I grew so much inside all because of you.
As well as the boost you gave to my unstable ego now
I see that your just enough for me I was lost before
you came to show me all that I was missing plus all that
I could be you made me braver than I was before.
You helped me regain control of my on destine
Now this may not be a big deal to you but
It’s enormous to me how the love of a woman
Could simply raise my own ego.
Now it’s this huge ship well worthy of sailing across
Any of life’s seas plus is willing to take on anything
That anyone say’s that I can’t do all because of
You and that boost you gave to my once
Weakened ego.
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